Research Library
Benkadi is developing research and evidence collection protocols and criteria for analysis to speak to the impacts of its programs. These will include subjective methodologies such as self reporting from students and teachers as well as objective data based methodologies developed in conjunction with experts in education and data science. That research and results will be made available in due course. Also featured are some resources that provide valuable insight and background to West African drumming and dancing in the modern context. The third party research, videos and articles that appear below speak to some of the known impacts of music and dance programs in the context of educational setting and are generally applicable to the Benkadi program. There is a lot of established science in this area which Benkadi is happy to point you to should you wish to do a deeper dive on the topic. The third party material below remains the property of their respective owners.
Benkadi’s infographic summarizing many of the mental and physical benefits of rhythmic dance and music making. Distilled from numerous sources.
The Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report: 2011–2021 provides the most recent surveillance data, as well as 10-year trends, on health behaviors and experiences among high school students in the United States (U.S.) related to adolescent health and well-being.
UK Research on the effect of learning to drum on behavior and brain function in autistic adolescents with no prior training, Published May 2022.
Cahart,, Amada, Draper, .Lowry, Marino, Carey, Ginestet, Smith, & Williams Reproduced under Creative Commons license
Effects of Group Drumming Interventions on Anxiety, Depression, Social Resilience and Inflammatory Immune Response among Mental Health Service Research from Univ. of Glasgow 2016 Fancourt, Perkins, Ascenso, Carvalho, Steptoe and Williamon.
A great explainer video on the effects of music and rhythm on the brain featuring leading researcher Dr Nina Kraus recorded at the Music and the Mind Concert for SoundHealth at the Kennedy Center.
Dr. Assil Habibi of USC’s Brain and Creativity Institute talking about the impact of participation in music programs based on research conducted on LA Philharmonic’s El Sistema music program.
A extensive article on the effects of dance on the brain by Julia C. Basso1, Medha K. Satyal and Rachel Rugh. Published in Frontiers In Human Frontiers 2021.
Article published by Scientific American magazine written by Nina Kraus and Travis White-Schwoch on the impact of Music Education on students’ brains.
An overview of the benefits of music education on childhood development
“To Preserve the Tradition Well”: An Interview with Mamady Keïta, Master Djembefola of the Malinke by Tanya Y. Price. African Arts 2015; 48 (4): 60–71. doi:
Perspectives on the evolution of Africa drum culture and his personal story from one of the true godfathers of modern West African drumming.