Benkadi brings the instrumentation, educators and lesson plans.
Grades 5-12 - Benkadi comes into your community either for a half-day or full day at the same times on the same day for a full semester to provide in-schedule classes for one or more grades. Benkadi will work with your educational community to develop a program to meet your program credit requirements.
Benkadi can also provide week-long programs for vacation programming and team-building events for educators.
Other communities/groups – Benkadi can provide one-off or custom events or programs to meet the educational and cultural needs of your club, group or gathering.
Sample Class
All formats include elements of culture, history, and context as well as the core drum and/or dance activity.
Music only (Djembe, Dun Dun, Sangban, Kenkeni, Bells)
One Instructor to maximum of 25 students
Drums and Dance
2 instructors (percussion and dance)
Max 20 dance students
Student drummers (numbers are ability dependent as they accompany the dancers)
Class duration - to fit your timetable needs (45-50 minutes average. Can be 90 mins)
You provide - space (indoor/soundproof or distanced location so as not to disturb others); chairs for drum class and students.
Sample Semester Length Program
In-class schedule for appropriate credit
approx. 25 students
1 or 2 instructors (drums or drums & dance)
Session 1 - intro to program - professional showcase and Q&A to inspire and kick-off semester
Sessions 2-17 instructional sessions following Benkadi curriculum
Final session - culmination event for school & guests